Help us reduce the estimated 4.1million cases of food poisoning in our community each year by getting involved:
- Hold a food safety event in your community or at work and register it here
- Try out our online quiz
- Send out a media release to your local media download a sample release here
- Share info on social media #AFSW17
- Write an article in your newsletters here’s an example you can use
- Use our banner and logos in your emails
- Download our resources
- Become a Food Safety Information Council member
- Sponsor our consumer research
- Make a tax deductable donation to help keep us doing our important work
Check out our media release Australians clueless about safe cooking temperatures – Use a thermometer for great food, cooked safely every time
Listen to our Radio spots with celebrity chefs Fast Ed Halmagyi and Mark Olive and ‘Henrietta the Hen’ who gives advice about handling her eggs safely.
Watch our TV Community Service Announcement and share our YouTube Video ‘Is it done yet?’ to learn how to use a thermometer and safe cooking temperatures
Download our Australian Food Safety Week flyer
Download our ‘Is it done yet?’ infographic
Download our ‘Is it done yet’ infographic – alternative
Download our email banner and use it in your signature block
AFSW17 events
SA Health held a cooking demo at Adelaide Markets with celebrity Chef Adam Liaw Thurs 16 November
Our member Merieux Nutrisciences held a series of free master classes and webinars see more
Darebin Council Victoria conducted Food Handler Information Sessions in November
Cook Shire Council Qld held a Community Event Cooktown Markets on Saturday, November 11, and a free Food Safety Workshop on Saturday, November 18 (RSVP by 16). see more
Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley had AFSW17 Food Safety Sessions
Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale held Hand Hygiene for Families Library Sessions
Weipa Town Authority Qld Food Safety held a Food Safety Forum Wednesday 15 November 2017
City of Holdfast Bay SA held Food Safety Week Cooking Demonstrations at the Bay ‘featuring Local Chefs’ – Tuesday 14th November 10-11am and 3-4pm in Moseley Square
Wodonga Council Vic held free BBQ for staff and volunteers
Peninsula Health Vic held Community Kitchens food handlers course. 15th November 2017
Eva Tilley Memorial Home Vic held 4 Australian Food Safety Week events
Sherwood Probus Club Qld held an Australian Food Safety Week event
Find out more:
T 0407 626 688 E
Australian Food Safety Week resources
Items to order
While they won’t reach you in time for Australian Food Safety Week you can still order a box of hard copies of our ‘How you cook’ posters and brochures for the cost of postage using this form
How you cook can make you (and others) crook poster download
How you cook can make you (and others) crook brochure download
We have some fridge thermometers available for sale at $3.30 each plus postage (minimum order 10) you can order them using this form

Fridge thermometers
Resources to download
You can order a downloadable AFSW17 resources kit from our member Catercare here
We also have a range of educational resources you can download and print out (contact us at if you need other formats) :
How to wash your hands properly poster (adults) download
How to wash your hands properly poster (children) download
Temperature danger zone poster download
5 simple food safety tips poster download
Do you cook or bring food to a friend or relative in aged care? download