Food Safety Information Council
Executive Meeting Minutes
Date | 17 March 2016 approx. 2.09 pm immediately following SGM |
Attendees | Rachelle Williams, Cathy Moir, Lydia Buchtmann, Duncan Craig, Kelvin Genn, Trish Desmarchelier |
Apologies | Nil |
Agenda | Review of previous meeting minutes and actions
Chair report Treasurers Report and Finance group · Account balances · Follow up on Funding Reinstatement meetings Communications group report · Easter media release · Possible FSW themes and sponsors · Media enquiries · Online media evaluation · Website · Online shop · Stakeholder engagement · Enquiries – consumer and business Membership and sponsorship · Members in lieu: Approve the following as members for 2015 in recognition of their contributions in lieu of membership fees: ‒ NSW Food Authority (approved via email 22 February moved Rachelle, Lydia seconded) · Jurisdiction sponsorship proposal through Food Reg. Standing Committee (FRSC) · Sponsorship plan check in Technical group report · Identify food safety issues · Technical support for Council activity · Review of Council documents Planning group · planning meeting 1 June · possible FS Week Themes · goal setting – each committee to develop one for 2015/16 Other Business · Calendar check-in. ‒ March ‒ Material to be reviewed in March – Frequently asked questions (Technical and Communication Committees) ‒ April ‒ Easter – egg safety ‒ Material to be reviewed – BUSINESS PLAN Six month review (Finance Committee) ‒ AGM Notice to be out by 30 April (Risk and Policy Committee)
Ordinary meeting opening | |
1. MINUTES/ matters arising | Acceptance of February 2016 meeting minutes. Rachelle moved, Duncan seconded, passed unanimously.
Review of action list detailed below. |
Previous meeting Actions | |
Action list | Carried forward actions
1. FSIC materials handover from Juliana to Duncan. Still to do. Most importantly need email (foodsafety@ozemail) deactivated and the Style Manual. Duncan still waiting for contact from JM; DC will try phoning. Action carried forward. Still no word. DC confirmed what is required, that being the foodsafety@ozemail account details and Style manual (Lydia trying to contact Giraffe who developed it) DC and RW to try phoning. Priority to do before April meeting 2. Consumer Health Forum. Rachelle to contact them for suggestion of a consumer representative for FSIC – still to do RW has contacted them, no response, will follow up again. Still no word RW to follow up again. Not aiming for consumer rep due to our structure but RW will follow up on membership. Put on hold until after June. 3. Lydia to send through comments for review of WA brochure on “The power is off, is your food?” to link to FSIC website. (WA are happy for this to be a national document.) – Done 4. Rachelle to contact Sophie Dwyer re inviting David Larkin to rejoin FSIC – RW has initiated and will report back next meeting now membership application is finalised. Done. Meeting with Sophie scheduled for 1st week April 5. Cathy to check whether Constitution amendments arising from SGM need to go to fair trading. Still to do. Also need to check association status – do we need to change from association to company protected by guarantee which is next level up from Association. Charities and not for profit commission (CNPC) need to be notified of changes to structure. Action carried forward. RW to get form and forward to Cathy. RW followed up and will coordinate paperwork off to Fair Trade 6. Kelvin updating Constitution and By Laws Done. Approved at SGM 7. Members only area. Not proceeding with Zoo; LB obtaining other quotes. Trying to get password from Zoo for members site and getting quotes from James Peek (original designer) for mobile site. LB contacted and it was supposed to have been resolved by yesterday but still no response. Action carried forward. Lydia reported that members’ site has been restored 5 hrs for $1000 or $1500 for 20 hrs. Lydia to get quote purely for login and access. How much of the 20 hrs will it take to get password. We need them to do coding e.g. a password protected page, loading videos. Kelvin asked if we need to move to another platform – LB said she and RW use wordpress. Done. Plan to send to members by mid April. 8. Duncan to follow up with Ecolab re sponsorship. Done. Dean McCullum helping DC and telecon next week so DC will follow up then. 9. Contact Restaurant and Caterers Assoc re: doggy bag sticker temperature – Lydia contacted them, but not heard back; Done. 10. RW to write it up results of Council survey and circulate. Still to do – will put in Drop Box. 95 Councils have participated. Done, RW circulated to Executive. 11. CM to check about having FSIC info available at CSIRO/FTAA Food Safety Meeting Done – yes that is fine. New actions 12. Rachelle to take the phone and check emails while Lydia in NZ 13 to 27 Feb. Done 13. Membership follow ups a. Lydia forward Casserole Club details for Rachelle to send membership info. Done b. Lydia – LG re Gold sponsorship Done – under consideration. c. Lydia – Richard Bennett and Fresh Produce Safety Centre Done – with RW to follow up d. Duncan – DFSV Done – DFSV joining. e. Rachelle to contact OzFoodNet to inform them of their membership in lieu – contributions with information on f.b.d. and to planning days. Done. 14. Lydia to request permission to use USFDA link and No Germs on Me. Done. 15. Duncan to send membership list to Rachelle. Done. |
2. Chair Report – Rachelle Williams for March 2015 | |
Food Safety Information Council Chair Report for March 2016
I am pleased to announce that at the Special General Meeting on 17 March, the new Constitution and By Laws were approved by the members. This means that we can now move into the future with the structure formalised. The other good news is that the members at the SGM also agreed to the resolution to change the Food Safety Information Council from an association to a Company Limited by Guarantee. This will meet a requirement for us to be a Health Charity, and bring us into line with other similar organisations. So what else has happened this month? I would like to welcome Logan City Council, City of Melbourne Council, Dairy Food Safety Victoria, Safe Food Queensland, Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, New South Wales Food Authority and the Council of Derby / West Kimberley as members of the FSIC. We are doing a media release for Easter, obviously with a focus on seafood. All of the materials on the website have now been reviewed by the Technical Committee to ensure they reflect the latest science and will be going onto the website shortly. Our Member’s Only area has now been set up, and once we get all the minutes, research and information onto it, we will be letting all our members know how to log on. Our Annual General Meeting will be held on the same day as our Planning Day, to ensure that we use our resources sensibly. So all members and sponsors need to put 01 June into their diaries, telemeeting facilities will be available, but we would like to see as many attend in person as possible. The Planning Day for 2016 will be busy with us choosing the theme for Food Safety Week as usual. This will be the 20th Food Safety Week, so we want it to be fun and significant. We will also be agreeing to the Goals for 2016-17 and deciding on the Annual Focus. The Executive is currently working on the draft themes and goals for presentation at Planning Day. If any member has any ideas for goals or themes, please email me at
3. Treasurer’s Report | |
Account balances
Business (032729210121) $38,537.30 Reserve (032729 210148) $19,984.30 Finance Group – Follow up on Funding Reinstatement meetings. RW continuing to keep in touch with Dept of Health with very little feedback. There is a new advisor in the Minister’s Office; RW has called again; Kelvin to contact Chris Bagley to see if anything can be done from another end. RW to let KG know status of communications to date. LB suggested that some publicity crowd funding requests be done in May and to note that FSIC will not continue unless Govt support is not received. KG suggested fridge magnet in return for support by individuals. Crowd funding webinar that RW attended suggests certificate might be enough. RW felt that sponsors should be sorted before crowdfunding campaign. Lydia says that mobile website should be set up ASAP. Crowd funding campaign planned for May will be to get funds to get funds to support FSW. That the Treasurer’s report be accepted: moved Rachelle, seconded Cathy passed. |
4. Communication Report – Lydia Buchtmann for 9 Feb to 1 Mar 2016 | |
The report is taken as read
Thanks to Rachelle for taking the phone and checking emails while Lydia in NZ. Easter seafood media release Circulated to Tech and Comms groups for clearance. Sydney Fish Market and Safe Fish Australia approached for sponsorship, if not will just go out in newsletter. Nothing heard back so will just proceed without sponsorship. Stick with general advice to transport seafood safely. LB to circulate for final comment before COB Friday 18th.
Possible Australian Food Safety Week Themes and sponsors Raw food risks (unpasteurised milk, eggs, salads) sponsors Dairy Food Safety Vic, Dairy Aus, Aus Egg Corp, AusVeg Know your fridge – encouraging consumers to get a fridge thermometer to see temperature, research with data dots. Sponsors fridge companies (already pitched to LG) Internet food shopping – safe delivery on doorstep see
Media enquiries
Online media evaluation FSANZ has provided Meltwater analysis of online media coverage of FSIC from 16 December to 10 February – we reached an available audience of 168,566,250 people worth an equivalent of $583,417 had we purchased advertising on these sites. The previous report showed we reached 21,896,886 between 7 June and 12 Dec 2015. Note this is only online website articles and doesn’t include live TV or radio.
Website Website audience still increasing over last year – lettuce peak 2016 at same time a frozen berries last year! Zoo have corrected members’ page logins at no charge as part of original work. Still no response from James Peek re mobile version of website, may be able to get volunteer to do it using Seek volunteers Tech group changes to webpages to be made shortly Action item: Communication Director needs latest members list to update web page + any information we need to update exec/Board page post SGM including Board sub committees.
Online shop Wording for shopping bags, aprons, tea towels and fridge magnets plus handwashing posters being prepared for clearance.
Stakeholder engagement · SBS Foundation – I have made application to run our TV ad in 2016-17, they will make a decision by 10 June 2016 · LG abut possible sponsorship · Government Food Communicator Group meeting 12 March 2016 – to get involvement in Australian Food Safety Week and join · Sydney Fish Market re membership and sponsorship · Safe Fish re membership and sponsorship · Restaurant and Caterers re membership and sponsorship of doggy bag stickers · Directory of Associations – FSIC information updated
Consumer enquiries (info from website)
Business (referred to relevant government dept)
Phone message to be changed to urgent media “please leave message” and other enquiries “please email info@…. “ If an urgent health issue suggest contact health practitioners directly |
5. Membership and sponsorship – Duncan Craig 27 January – 16 March 2016 | |
Membership process
DC reported that it has been a massive month with RW pounding the pavement and Council survey, a number of members on Board. 1. Membership system getting a work out 2. Membership pack sent at receipt of membership fees – consists of welcome letter from Chair, membership certificate, ‘who and what’ sheet (see Membership Committee > Membership > Membership Pack in Dropbox). 3. FSIC email account set up for Duncan (thanks Lydia!) – Members in lieu: Approve the following as members for 2015 in recognition of their contributions in lieu of membership fees: NSW Food Authority (approved via email 22 February moved Rachelle, Lydia seconded)
Jurisdiction sponsorship proposal through Food Reg. Standing Committee (FRSC)
Sponsorship plan check in · Sponsorship plan endorsed at last Exec meeting · Working on Sponsorship Plan – identifying events/themes/potential sponsors · DC to recirculate · Lydia suggested contacting HCF to see if they wish to use FSIC material, LB to send stats to Colgate to see if they’re interested in coming back with sponsorship. KG offered resources to assist in the development of retirement living material ($10K value in kind sponsorship), particularly providing information. Action LB and KG to discuss.
New members · Membership fees received i. Shire of Derby/West Kimberly ii. Logan City Council iii. Wodonga Council – 4 members iv. AECL v. Elanco · Membership forms received – waiting finalisation/payment i. Cater Care ii. City of Melbourne iii. Rozzi Campbell iv. Dairy Food Safety Victoria v. Safe Food Production Queensland vi. Jacquie Krasse
Correspondence · Sent information and membership form to Liverpool City Council
Additional · Put together a flyer for stand at CSIRO food safety conference. Printed off 100 copies + membership forms · Membership and sponsorship committee meeting next week. Lydia invited to join. · RW invited Logan City Council to join membership committee to offer different perspective · DC will circulate 2 page flyer prepared for technical meeting/conference handouts · TD and DC commented on interesting feedback on what Councils thought about our role · Thanks to KG for donation (via MyCause) · RW met with Safe Food Qld to join as member. Barbara Wilson on FRSC and suggested FSIC could be communication arm for jurisdictions. Need to think through potential issues; how FSIC could resource such as model; good idea for future funding model to support an Exec Officer/communicator.
Technical Report –Trish Desmarchelier for 25 Jan to 10 Mar 2016 | |
Members of the Technical Group have contributed to the following: Technical support for consumer queries – no requests received Identify food safety issues · Shared information on food safety news: inactivation of viruses in food, USA FoodKeeper webpage, CDC raw milk fact sheet Technical support for Council activity · Feedback provided on Easter press releases; · Contribution to themes for FS week ideas · Meeting with the FSIC Chair to discuss the Group Review Council documents · Ongoing review by members of web material, currently “How to handle riskier food safely” Research in Consumer food safety – No activity TD thinking about what should be a factsheet, a handout, what goes on-line, lengthier information on-line and perhaps a key messages printable factsheet. Technical group to set some criteria around what each form of information needs to deliver. |
6. Planning Group – Duncan Craig | |
Planning meeting 1 June with AGM
Possible FS Week Themes – Each committee to come up with an idea Goal setting – each committee to develop one for 2015/16
7. Other business | |
Calendar check-in.
· March ‒ Material to be reviewed in March – Frequently asked questions (Technical and Communication Committees). Still working on riskier foods. · April ‒ Easter – egg safety ‒ Material to be reviewed – BUSINESS PLAN Six month review (Finance Committee) RW started reviewing, should be finished by end April. RW to send to LB ‒ AGM Notice to be out by 30 April (Risk and Policy Committee) LB will release March newsletter next week |
Action List | |
Carried forward actions
1. FSIC materials handover from Juliana to Duncan. Still to do. Most importantly need email (foodsafety@ozemail) deactivated and the Style Manual. Duncan still waiting for contact from JM; DC will try phoning. Action carried forward. Still no word. DC confirmed what is required, that being the foodsafety@ozemail account details and Style manual (Lydia trying to contact Giraffe who developed it) DC and RW to try phoning. Priority to do before April meeting 2. Consumer Health Forum. Rachelle to contact them for suggestion of a consumer representative for FSIC – still to do RW has contacted them, no response, will follow up again. Still no word RW to follow up again. Not aiming for consumer rep due to our structure but RW will follow up on membership. Put on hold until after June. 3. Cathy to check whether Constitution amendments arising from SGM need to go to fair trading. Still to do. Also need to check association status – do we need to change from association to company protected by guarantee which is next level up from Association. Charities and not for profit commission (CNPC) need to be notified of changes to structure. Action carried forward. RW to get form and forward to Cathy. RW followed up and will coordinate paperwork off to Fair Trade New actions 4. Communication Director needs latest members list to update web page + any information we need to update exec/Board page post SGM 5. DC to recirculate sponsorship plan and 2 page flyer prepared for tech mtg/conference handouts. 6. LB and KG to discuss the development of retirement living material. 7. TD thinking about what should be a factsheet, a handout, what goes on-line, lengthier information on-line and perhaps a key messages printable factsheet. Technical group to set some criteria around what each form of information e.g factsheet vs a handout vs what goes on-line vs longer on-line information.
Meeting close | 3.15 pm |
Next meeting and schedule | Exec meeting third Thursday tentatively scheduled for 21 April 1.30pm
Planning Day and AGM Tentatively 1 June 2015 at CSIRO North Ryde Minutes out within one week of meeting (24 March) Chair Monthly Report – last Thursday of month (31 March) Newsletter out to members and sponsors – usually first Thursday of month (7 April, but April will be postponed a week) Media Release – none planned for April Co-ordinators Monthly Reports – Friday before next meeting (15 April) Agenda out – Monday before next meeting (18 April) Next meeting third Thursday (21 April) Primary Australia: +61 2 6246 4433 Meeting Number/Access Code: 571 336 411