Australian Food Safety Week was held from 11 to 18 November 2017 and its theme was ‘Is it done yet? Use a thermometer for great food, cooked safely every time’
70% of Australians surveyed don’t know that 75°C is the safe cooking temperature for high-risk foods such as hamburgers, sausages and poultry. 75% of Australians surveyed also reported that there wasn’t a meat thermometer in their household and only 44% of those with a thermometer reported using is over the previous month.
The 2017 Australian Food Safety Week ‘Is it done yet? Use a thermometer for great food, cooked safely every time’ was highly successful:
- We produced a TV community service announcement that was screened 366 times and 3 radio announcements were aired 4,100 times, including to specific indigenous audiences.
- Our YouTube video was shown in 49,000 GP surgeries reaching an audience of 14 million a month.
- The media coverage reached a known audience of 1,186,076.
- 1650 posters, 3300 brochures and 682 fridge thermometers were distributed to community events around the country.
- A pre and post campaign survey found a 1% increase in safe cooking temperature knowledge and that cooking temperature knowledge was higher among people who owned thermometers.
See more about AFSW2017
Find out more about what happened during AFSW2018 here